Friday, July 30, 2010


This week is the fun fun week! Open the week with an ICM practical. Out of 14 possible physical exam tasks, you go up and pick a card (luck of your draw) and perform the task in 6 minutes! The proctor ask you a couple of questions and you are being graded on your performance and your answers to his/her questions! Well, I got "Detailed Radial Pulse Exam", pretty simple, find the radial pulse in both hands, describe its tone, volume, characteristics, rate, rhythm. Then do a radial-radial delay and radial-femoral delay! Well... was good till proctor keeps interrupting me and won't let me do my thing :S. I have my own routine to perform the task, but the proctor has his or her own routine. So when the two don't match proctor starts interrupting me thinking I missed something or what not. So I will say it wasn't that good of an experience, but it is OK overall. And today is the behavior oral exam. You get 10 minutes to do an interview on a standardized patient. The patient provide you with a complaint and you are suppose to determine the cause. This is more fun x). The proctor doesn't interrupt you, you are on your own, acting like a real doc interviewing a patient to better understand the cause of his/her problem. Very rewarding experience I will say. However you only get 10 minutes so you have to manage your time and spend it wisely. Fill the grading criteria first then do whatever you pleased, that is if you have extra time. Either way now the semester is coming to an end. Only have 2 more exams and 1 lab final ;)! Can't wait it to be over! One step closer to my GOAL!

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