I don't know how long will I be able to keep up with this blogging. There are so many things that I want to let out. Sometimes I don't understand why asian parents can't just understand their kids. I thought as a parent, you are supposed to love your kid unconditionally. Isn't it a given? I know there are kids who take parents' love for granted, but there are kids who yearned for their whole life, yet they die without ever receiving it. Since I am not a parent yet, so I can't possibly live in their shoe, but I try to understand them as much as my little brain/experience allow me to. On the other hand, the parents, who have so much more experience than we do, they been through where we currently are (being their kid), should understand us more, and be able to live in our shoes. I know they are saying this and that, worrying this and that for your good, but we never been there before and can't possibly understand them clearly. In that case, please, please, please take the time to communicate with the child and have a real (two-way) talk, like you listen to what the kid have to say and then you present your case and both come with a compromised solution. What I am seeing nowadays is that most asian parents use the ultimatum without considering the feelings of the kid, I know they are worry about kid's future. But you as a parent should ask yourself these questions: "is this what your kid really wants (as in have you ask their feeling and understand your kid's logic behind it)?" "or is it something you regret for not being done and think having done it might put you in a better situation than your current one?" I've been using asian parents as I am an asian and I grew up mostly with other asians and in asian community. So I don't want to step out of my bound and generalized to all parents as I don't know how other race/culture in detail.
If you are a parent, feel free to comment your explanation or your side of the story.
If you are a kid, feel free to comment on your side of the story too.
I just want to have a discussion going and see what we might have to do to reduce dysfunctional families in the community.
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